Student or Staff Check-In

  Posted Jan 27/18 by David DeRosa

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The Importance of 'Checking In'

Many years ago I would keep a seating plan beside my 'overhead projector'. As I checked in with individual students, for example:

- said hello, asked a question or engaged in a brief discussion about the topic, 

I would then put a little check beside the student's name on the seating plan. Back then I really noticed a bias toward the left side of the class room ... I had a tough time seeing the right side through the overhead. This was a very effective feedback tool for me, the teacher, and it 'forced me' to move more through the room and get away from that overhead.

Now, I use tools on my phone to essentially allow me to have a quick visual feedback loop for who and why I am connecting with each day. 

This resource is intended to be modified for your purposes and will need you to make a 'copy' of the form provided ... if you don't make a copy, you may be sharing the same response form with colleagues everywhere!