Christina Lake Elementary


Christina Lake Elementary


Christina Lake Elementary


Christina Lake Elementary


ADST CLES- The Hairdryer


Solving Problems at Google Using Computational Thinking (3:43 minutes)


ADST CLES- The outboard



Teachers:  Ryan MacGregor and Andrew McKinlay will be facilitators visiting your schools to team teach with your selected staff (please see Rollout Table / Legend above).

Boot Camp - August 29th (CLES will host).  Teachers in the grid above will need to be available on this date.

WeDo School Visits (Visits Happen on first day of the week and kits will stay with teachers for the remainder of the week).

September 18th
DAPE - Andrew McKinlay
CLES - Ryan MacGregor

September 25th
BWCS - Ryan MacGregor

October 2nd
WBES - Andrew McKinlay

October 10th 
GES - Ryan MacGregor

October 16th
 - Andrew McKinlay

November 10th
COHORT Meeting (Review of WeDo as well as introduction to Sphero Kit) (CLES will host).  Teachers in the grid above will need to be available on this date.

Sphero School Visits (Visits Happen on first day of the week and kits will stay with teachers for the remainder of the week).

January 15th 
DAPE - Andrew McKinlay
CLES - Ryan MacGregor

January 22nd 
BWCS - Ryan MacGregor

January 29th
GES - Ryan MacGregor

February 5th
JAHE - Andrew McKinlay

February 12th
WBES - Andrew McKinlay

Computational Thinking Lego

iPads in your building running WeDo 2.0…...

WeDo 2.0 kits. 12 for each site, intro on Monday with your classes, 1.5 hours per class

The kits are left at the school for the week.  Book classes into use them.

Go through kit

Hub label, make sure that each HUB is labeled to the kit.

Building instructions off Better Educate.

Create videos of their learning

Links to pdf

Introduction to WeDo

WeDo Toolbox

Computational Thinking Teacher’s Guide

WeDo 2.0 FAQ

Model Library right off the app.

Build the base model and then there are extras to go off.

All the step by step instructions are in the app.

Document their learning of the day

Upload to Better educate.

Sharing through PDF :  video/images/text

Look into how we share video….  Not working currently

Storage issue… where are the files saved, how do we clean up.