Better Educate Pricing

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Single Educator

Per member, per year

OR FREE with a Promo Code

Effortlessly share resources, action plans and communicate through the platform
Connect with global educators and thought leaders
Develop your professional profile and evidence-based portfolio or CV

Schools (5-74 members)

Per member, per year

Effortlessly share resources, action plans and communicate through the platform
Connect with global educators and thought leaders
Develop your professional profile and evidence-based growth plan, portfolio or CV
Branded site with the power to pin material & manage communications
Create groups, teams and collaborative partnerships in your school and around the world
User support

Organizations (75+ members)

Per member, per year

Effortlessly share resources, action plans and communicate through the platform
Connect with global educators and thought leaders
Develop your organization-aligned professional profile and evidence based growth plan, portfolio or CV
Branded site with the power to pin material & manage communications
Create groups, teams and collaborative partnerships in your school and around the world
Produce analytics reports
User and organization support